Diana Șucu a avut o reacție onestă atunci când a discutat despre momentele în care fanii Rapidului au avut scandări mai puțin prietenoase. Soția lui Dan Șucu, Diana Șucu, nu este o figură extrem de […] The post Diana Șucu, reacție sinceră despre momentele în care fanii din Giulești au avut scandări neortodoxe. „Copiii se uitau la mine: «Mamă, tu nu auzi ce spun?». Nu sunt crescută la palat” appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea is that Diana Șucu was uncomfortable with some "unorthodox" chants from fans at a football game in Giulești, and felt the need to address the situation publicly. She emphasizes that while she appreciates the support, the chants made her uncomfortable, especially as children were present and asking her if she heard what was being said.
Essentially, it's about grappling with the line between passionate fan support and behavior that crosses social norms and makes individuals uncomfortable.
The main conceptual idea is that Diana Șucu was uncomfortable with some "unorthodox" chants from fans at a football game in Giulești, and felt the need to address the situation publicly. She emphasizes that while she appreciates the support, the chants made her uncomfortable, especially as children were present and asking her if she heard what was being said. Essentially, it's about grappling with the line between passionate fan support and behavior that crosses social norms and makes individuals uncomfortable.